Our Best Tomato Recipes

Sweet, perfectly ripe tomatoes.
So many heirloom varieties fill our markets at the end of summer so we decided to round up our favorite end of summer recipes to use up those delicious, seedy tomatoes.
We especially love chef Juan Suarez de Lezo's Salmorejo, a lesser known chilled tomato soup akin to its cousin gazpacho, Salmorejo is typical to Andalusia and Juan' hometown cordoba. While we scooped out the inside of the sourdough boule to make the bread soup, we had a ton of tomato, garlic and crusty outer loaf leftovers so we made Pan con tomate, a traditional and very famous small plate made by rubbing a garlic clove against a piece of toasted bread and drizzling with the juices of a tomato.
BY ALL MEANS, please plan on making both of these recipes at the same time. No reason to waste of all of the goodness.
Also you'll find a simple Italian bruschetta from Chef Velia de Angelis , Danielle's chopped Israeli salad, and Onur's Patlican Salatasi.
Check out the links for amazing recipes, how-to videos and more!