No Bake Chocolate Ganache Tart with Hazelnuts and Sea Salt

Chocolate Ganache Hazelnut tart with Sea Salt Photo By: Danielle Rehfeld Colen
Show Printable Recipe


I posted this no bake chocolate ganache tart on Food 52 last week and super psyched to present here on The Inherited Plate.  Though it's not necessarily a "passed on recipe" that has any intrinsic personal memoir attached to it, I consider the tart base recipe a great basic for anyone interested in a quick base that could be made with gluten free cookies.  You can replace the type of cookie, type of nut and of the filling.

 After playing with this great crust base recipe for a vegan friend's birthday, I've now used variations of it for a number of different tarts including a frozen sorbet tart, chocolate mousse cake with tropical fruits and of course this classically french nod to that wonderful trifecta: Chocolate, hazelnuts and salt.

I went for a basic ganache addition to make a simple valentine's day dessert for the hubby.  He passed out after we gorged on an entire knob of La Tur Cheese and rigatoni with Marcella Hazan's classic tomato sauce.

He did have a slice the following day and lost his marbles when I decided to dole out portions to some of my favorite people in the west village (ehem...Gray and Davis owner Ali Miller) and The Beatrice Inn GM, Henry Aguilar.

It makes me feel like there's still some semblance of neighborly love (even in NYC) when I drop cake off for people I love.

I hope you guys play with this tart base and put it to good use.  Almonds and cashews make a great substitute if you're looking for a less pronounced flavor than hazelnut, but this cake is one of those few moments I give myself a little pat on the back for developing a recipe that I believe will be one of those easy ones you can pull out of your back pocket.

Enjoy!  From my kitchen to yours XOXOX Danielle

Chocolate Ganache Tart with Hazelnuts and Sea Salt
Serving Size: Serves 10-12


For the Tart Crust:

5 ounces thin chocolate cookies or biscuits (you can use famous, gluten free chocolate, italian chocolate tea biscuits, or even salty chocolate cookies)

3ounces toasted, peeled hazelnuts(I buy them this way from Buon Italia, an italian gourmet market in NYC)

10-12 pitted medjool dates

pinch sea salt


For the filling:

8 ounces milk chocolate, chopped or in chips

3 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped or in chips

5 fl.ounces heavy cream (150 ml)

Maldon Salt and hazelnut pieces for serving



For the Tart:

Break up the biscuits a bit and place them in a blender or food processor with nuts. Pulse until very well chopped. They should resemble fine crumbs.

Add 10 dates and pulse well. Blend until the mixture begins to come together about 20-30 seconds. Add the other dates if needed and blend again. The mixture should be wet and should hold together when you test it.

Press the dough into the bottom of a 11" fluted tart pan. Freeze for 10 minutes.

For the Filling:

In a small pot, warm the cream over medium heat until you see little bubbles at edges. Add the chocolate and turn off flame. Wait one minutes and stir until glossy.

Pour the chocolate into the pan directly on top of the crust. Allow to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Remove and allow to temper for 30 min-2 hours before serving (Depending on how long its been refrigerated). Before serving sprinkle with a few pieces of hazelnut and sea salt crystals. I love the texture and flavor or maldon but you could try fleur del sel too!


Cook's Notes

The Crust can be made in advance and stored wrapped tightly in plastic.

The Tart can be made up to 2 days ahead.   Just make sure to temper it for a good 2 hours and only sprinkle the salt and hazelnuts on before serving!